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  • 1. What does “Gyan-Setu” mean?
    “Gyan-Setu” means “knowledge-bridge”. This program aims at connecting remote parts of India through knowledge exchange.
  • 2. What is the main theme of Gyan-Setu?
    Gyan-Setu is a volunteer program to conduct science-based workshops for middle-school students in remote parts of developmentally challenged states of India.
  • 3. Why should I participate in this program?
    This program provides you a unique opportunity to contribute in spreading the joy of education among children and providing them exposure to the exciting world of science. This process will in turn help you to have better understanding of the land and people from these remote areas; thus facilitating development of a proactive attitude in you towards problems being faced by the society.
  • 4. Who organizes this program?
    This program is organized by Educational Activity Research Center (EARC), Jnana Prabodhini, Pune. Please visit the following link for more details:
  • 5. Which are the states where the program is planned?
    For the academic year 2020-21, this program is planned in 8 states viz. Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, Meghalaya, Manipur, and Jammu-Kashmir.
  • 6. Why did you choose only these states?
    These states, and especially the specific regions within these states where Gyan-Setu workshops are being arranged, are one of the most under-developed parts of India. Of course, we need to expand this program to all other developmentally challenged parts of this country. We certainly plan to do so, slowly and steadily, through collaborations with various organizations.
  • 7. What if my organization is interested in collaborating in this project?
    Your organization would be most welcome to be a part of Gyan-Setu. As mentioned above, Gyan-Setu envisages building a strong and robust network of organizations to create a sustainable platform for this program. Please contact our office for more details or mail us at
  • 1. Who are you looking for?
    We are looking for enthusiastic, energetic and young-at-heart volunteers who would like to use their time, intellect and energy for the benefit of the society. There is no stringent requirement of education but prior experience of conducting activities (preferably educational) for children would be highly beneficial.
  • 2. Is there any age limit for participation as a volunteer?
    Volunteers should have age between 18 to 60 years. Others should contact the Gyan-Setu office prior to their registration.
  • 3. I do not have experience of any such activities nor do I have a science background. Can I still participate in Gyan-Setu?
    Yes, you can certainly register for Gyan-Setu. You will undergo orientation-cum-training workshop and also trial workshop i.e. demonstration before going on for Gyan-Setu visit. Although we will put all our efforts to prepare you in the best possible way, it is your responsibility to get acquainted with the activities to be conducted during the workshops. Hence, sincere participation in orientation-cum-training and trial workshops is most essential.
  • 4. What all is expected from a registered Gyan-Setu volunteer?
    A registered Gyan-Setu volunteer is expected to participate in a Gyan-Setu visit to one of eight states. He/she will be a part of a team of 8 – 10 volunteers. After the completion of your visit, you can also help/mentor successive volunteer teams going to the same state.
  • 5. How can I register?
    Please click here for online registration form. We accept registrations only through this form, which is quite self-explanatory.
  • 6. What is the registration fee? How should I pay it?
    Registration fee is Rs. 100. This can be paid at Gyan-Setu office or during orientation-cum-training workshops. There is no provision of online payment.
  • 7. Can I have preferences for particular states of my choice?
    Yes, of course! You can select three preferences for states (but only from the available ones) while registering.
  • 8. When are visits to these states planned? Can I have preferences for dates, according to my schedule?"
    There are particular months available for each state; based on weather conditions and availability at schools there. You can select months suitable to you, during your registration. Based on these preferences, you will be made part of a particular visit. The exact dates of a visit are decided only after finalization of the volunteer team, considering preferences of all of the members.
  • 9. What is the selection process for volunteers?
    The selection process is based on basic scrutiny of the registration forms.
  • 10. How will it be conveyed to me? Roughly when?
    You will receive email and telephonic communication from Gyan-Setu office, within roughly one week of your successful submission of online registration.
  • 11. What if I have to change/cancel my participation at previously selected duration due to some unforeseen circumstances?
    Please contact Gyan-Setu office as soon as possible if you are not in a position to participate as per your preferences (of state and month) submitted in registration form. Considering specific circumstances, you might be required to submit fresh registration.
  • 1. I have been conveyed confirmation of my Gyan-Setu visit (i.e. state, duration and accompanying group). What next?"
    There are two mandatory requirements to be completed by each volunteer, before going to Gyan-Setu visit, viz. “Orientation-cum-training workshop” and “Trial workshop”. Through these, you will get orientation towards the content of the workshop and also logistics of your visit.
  • 2. When and where will the orientation-cum-training workshop be arranged for me?
    Orientation-cum-training workshop is arranged mostly at Gyan-Setu office i.e. Jnana Prabodhini, 514, Sadashiv Peth, Pune-411030. Date, time and venue will be conveyed by email prior to one week by Gyan Setu team. Please keep checking the email frequently. Hence, in most of the cases, you will be required to come at this address to participate in this workshop. Currently it must be noted that physical participation (and not online e.g. over skype etc.) is mandatory in this workshop.
  • 3. What does orientation-cum-training session consist of?
    The goal of this one-day workshop is to prepare volunteers as best as possible for the planned Gyan-Setu visit. This includes orientation to the content of Gyan-Setu workshops (e.g. science toys, activities) along with towards social conditions at the locations and relevance of this program there.
  • 4. Where can I get information about the content of Gyan-Setu workshops?
    You will be provided with a Gyan-Setu companion book. This contains fairly detailed illustration of all possible activities to be conducted in these workshops. You are encouraged to use this book to prepare yourself well.
  • 5. What are trial workshops? When and where would I conduct these?
    You will be required to conduct one day trial workshops at schools/places (mostly in rural area) near Pune (or your place of residence), along with your team with which you will be going for the Gyan-Setu visit. This is required so that you get more acquainted with the specific activities, subtleties required while conducting them with children etc. Gyan-Setu organizing team will arrange these workshops after your orientation-cum-training workshops.
  • 6. Is this much preparation enough for my Gyan-Setu visit?
    If you participate sincerely both in orientation-cum-training and trial workshops, you will be prepared quite well for the visit. However, it would be a good idea to perform as many trial workshops as possible, on your own, may be at places of your knowledge. This will add to your experience and confidence of conducting these activities. Moreover, it will also benefit the children where you will conduct these trial workshops. The Gyan-Setu organizing team will certainly help you in this.
  • 1. Who takes care of logistics of volunteer team at the respective states?
    As mentioned earlier, regional partner organizations take care of the logistics of volunteer teams at the locations of Gyan-Setu visits. The State coordinators from Gyan-Setu organizing team are also involved in coordinating all necessary logistical planning.
  • 2. What is the overall structure of a typical Gyan-Setu visit?
    A typical Gyan-Setu visit of around 15 days comprises 4-7 days of travel, 5-6 days of actual workshops and 1-2 days of sight-seeing.
  • 3. How will our team get assistance to prepare our travel plan?
    State coordinators will help your team to prepare a detailed travel plan, with assistance from the regional partner organizations. They will provide you all information regarding travel options (i.e. train, bus, flight etc.). However you should finalize and book your travel plan yourself and not rely completely on the State coordinator.
  • 4. What are the expenses involved in the visit?
    Around 5000/- per person. It may vary according to place-state and sightseeing planning after workshop by group.
  • 5. What if I can’t bear the expenses? Can I get sponsorship from Gyan-Setu?
    Gyan-Setu does offer sponsorship to volunteers who can’t afford the expenses. You have to fill Sponsorship form. Once it is approved you will get the sponsorship as per need.
  • 6. Whom should I coordinate with (from Gyan-Setu team) during the visit, in case of any problems?"
    You and your accompanying team will coordinate with the State coordinator (of your respective state) from Gyan-Setu organizing team (or any other person appointed by him/her). You can contact him/her in case of any problems or difficulties.
  • 7. Where can I get general guidelines to be followed during the visit?
    Please see Gyan-Setu companion book.
  • 8. Any special precautions related to health?
    The above-mentioned sections in the companion book also contain some information regarding health related precautions. Please contact the State coordinators to get detailed suggestions.
  • 1. What if I need financial support for participation in Gyan-Setu visit? How can I apply for sponsorship?
    You will be required to fill and submit application form for sponsorship. Also go through terms and conditions before applying.
  • 2. What is the selection process for awarding sponsorship?
    After we receive your sponsorship application form, it will pass through basic scrutiny. An interview (either physical or telephonic) will then be arranged after which a decision will be taken regarding awarding of the sponsorship.
  • 3. What are the critical criteria considered during this process?
    The critical criteria considered in this process are your personal background (academic, professional, voluntary), financial need and commitment to the social cause. Note that the purpose of sponsorship is to provide financial support to those who really need it thus encouraging their participation as volunteer in Gyan-Setu. Hence apply only if you are in real need.
  • 1. I’m not able to participate in this activity. Can I contribute in any other way?
    Yes, certainly! You can participate as a part of content development or publicity or sponsorship related work.
  • 2. What are the options for me to give donations to Gyan-Setu?
    You can “Sponsor a volunteer” which includes the expenses for one Gyan-Setu visit of one volunteer. This amounts to Rs. 5000. You can also provide donations to meet other expenses of the program. Kindly contact our office for the same.
  • 3. Where will the donations be used?
    All donations will be used to provide sponsorship to volunteers, preparing kits for Gyan-Setu workshops and other operational costs (e.g. educational material, food and logistics etc.).
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